Does this mean it is on geaux zone?
Me too, although after last week, I think I am making him a starter at least for a little bit and feel it out.
Oh then this is kinda fun, it is like we have our own thread on the board. Hiding in plain sight.... How exciting about your daughters! Did...
Maybe he is like Elvis....:D
Some of these players need to seriously geaux though, I honestly forgot Jen was in the house until shane put her up. People like that, who don't...
She does have a squeaky voice but she cracks me up in that diary room. Frank probably deserves to win but he irritates me, and I am not quite...
Of course, I love Britney! She is hysterical! Other then that it is kinda boring since Willie left, that boy got some anger issues! You watching?
Is this true?? I heard the news this morning and thought I remembered that they never had found anything. But I honestly have never followed the...
thanks kyle, I have been back but I was kinda sneaking around because I couldn't get my old username to work, but brett fixed it and now I am back...
Wellllll...I will agree with you Rex, but by east I mean....REAL EAST. But I think the best scenerio for everybody is REAL
It is like jumping out a birthday cake!!! :hihi:
Is this still going on??? :)
Yep, we had a good time but it was a short visit! We only went out fishing twice...
We went out into the Bay last weekend right under the bridge (we had kids with us and didn't want them getting too hot!) and caught 75 white and...
Ok, I LOVE Sonic! And will eat most anything from there! Wal-Mart on the other hand I go to only when I HAVE to! I really don't like the store....
Thanks Okie! This will be great for us newbies at planning it themselves!My parents have a lot of advice also butI want to get it it all in!...
Okie, you mind starting a thread for Omaha and random CWS thoughts...not for LSU because that would be bad karma :), but for people who just want...
I got my Kindle yesterday and I love it so far. I hate to say it but between space in my closet and the fact when I am reading a couple of books...
Caught this...FIrst Orlando is the king of chains, very few really good places to eat that are local. You will want to try Bubbalous for barbque,...
I am doing a bit of two. I am eternally obligated to a Super Bowl party each year. This year I told her I would show up early and leave at half...