Really? I own stock in several companies, I don't recall giving permission the way the conservatives want unions to do. And a corporation isn't...
Corporations outspent unions 19 to 1 in the last nationwide election. I never hear conservatives wanting to reign in their influence....
The unions already agreed to the cuts in benefits. This is about the governor trying to destroy unions. It's about taking away collective...
Pie in the sky. I worked with a guy, consevative, followed all the rules, wife worked, paid off his house in 10 years, saved a nice nest egg. He...
Sounds good, let those who either mismanaged their money or have a catastrophic illness that bankrupts them live on the street. Tough titty,...
Here's the deal, if you don't pay into SS and have that safety net, everybody know's damn good and well that a large portion of the population...
and if your old ass lives a long time, you'll probably collect more in SS and medicare than you paid in. That means that you'll be no better than...
Do you pay SS taxes? because if you do, that was just reduced by 2% in Jan. Damn socialist, tax raising, muslim, bastard
Actually, he did, but truth be damned!
then we really still won't know who is right, just who's side has more partisan hacks on the Supreme Court, which is just as political and...
Somehow, I doubt that if you played them every year, you would own them lock, stock, and barrell.
Maybe ancient history, Kemosabe, LSU/bama last 20 years are 10-10 against each other. 2 NC's for LSU, 2 for bama.
You've got to be kidding, right? The man who looked into Putin's eye and got a sense of his soul, saw a good and trustworhy man ? The man who...
Absolutely true. Bush did not add the cost of the war when submitting budgets
Actually, I pretty much agree. I think I was trying to say the same thing, probably poorly
Yeah, and we get them every year. How fair is that? Nothing against AU, just venting about one of my scheduling pet peeves. We all compete for the...
so what? Do the names Hannity and O'Reily strike a chord? No difference.
Jon Stewart at least realizes his show is comedy.
When Reagan took office, unemployment was 7.6% and went to 9.8% by that summer and stayed there for 2 years. Unemployment is always a lagging...