Thank you, it's so rare you actually give any.
I type fast, I usually post quick when I have a minute at work, so I don't really worry about the grammer, my degree is in engineering, not...
anytime you want to meet up and compare diplomas Pops, just let me know:wink:
Wrong again. You're Obama hatred is blinding you The March 2011 Jobs Report: Good News for February | Corrente The two big stories in this...
The same thing Bill O the clown Beck do
and the lights finally come on.
Barack the Magic Negro, you and Rush, to peas in a pod. He shoudn't dip into the SOR, (and hasn't yet). But I guess you figure the tension in...
Did you even read the post you responded too here? He got the concessions the first day. Everybody (even Shepard Smith of Fixed News) but the...
Rush Limbaugh making fun of anybody's weight or figure! It's a miracle lightning doesn't hit him. Of course his fans claim he's so funny. He's...
Bull. The unions had already accepted all the conditons he wanted. The fight is over his not wanting to deduct dues from paychecks (if we did that...
In principle, every American citizen has an equal say in our political process. In practice, of course, some of us are more equal than others....
Then you must disagree with the Wisconson governor, because he will eliminate collective bargaining for everything you just said. And the...
Not true, in the last election cycle, corps gave more to dems than usual, hedgeing their bets for influence, since after the Bush debacle, a dem...
Fannie and Freddie issued about 24% of the sub-prime loans, 84% came from private corporations. Private sector loans, not Fannie or Freddie,...
and the same rules should apply to corporations.
Here you go, Kemosabe: In the political process, corporations already outspend unions more than 19-to-1. In 2010, corporate interests spent...
maybe the union members should go to the union meetings, too. My point (which I'm sure you already understod) was that the union busting...
Not the point, SabanFan said they do get permission. If you're in a right to work state, you can not join, if you're not in a right to work...
Funny our conservative friends don't mind activist judges, as long as they're changing 100 years of precedence in their favor. :yelwink2: