TARP- Which is now bringing in billions in renvenue as loans are paid back. Credit Card Reform- adding restrictions on interest rate increases...
and wisconsin unemployment has went up since he pushed thru his "pro bidness" agenda
Well, one of you is.
Well, what are they? I disagreed with him focusing so much on health care and not more on the economy, but what policy decisions has he made, that...
and you think that the republicans and the tea party ideas are the answers? really? more tax cuts, (so we can all get trickled on) and massive...
No, he should have taken it instead of invading Iraq, though
Presidents take their job with them. I never bashed Bush for it. I just don't see it as a big deal. People who hate Obama are going to find...
Really, was the economy better under Clinton or Bush? Either Bush
I'll bet a cold beverage with you on that, but then you'd have to be seen with my liberal, pink o socialist ass.
I hear this on Fixed News every night, but the fact is, every incumbent after Reagan loses in a poll to an unnamed canidate, once a real canidate,...
So you're saying that it's all the dems? That goes against your bible, Fox News, who is giving all the credit for the refusal to compromise to the...
why not close all loopholes (that's just the goverment picking winners and losers) and all income taxed the same? Why should someone making all...
No doubt, something has to be done about the deficit spending, and serious cuts have to be made to SS, medicare, defense. the problem with the...
Who cares what the Bama coach is doing?
I guess that makes Michele Bachmann a liberal, her and her holy rolling husband constantly have their hands in the goverment till
I was there too, and while by no means have I made all home games in my life, I've been to alot, and that was the loudest I've ever seen Tiger...
but the proposals they're sending is DOA, and they damn well know it. They're only sending proposals that follow their own ideology, no compromise...
kind of lumps him in the same boat as all the republicans who raised it under Bush
Byrd was great, but he quit the last half of 2008, I can still see him shortarming a potential TD pass against Troy.
Not as long as Hallman is in the record books