I don't get Springsteen. Why is he put on such a pedestal? Like Kiss, I will never understand why Bruce Springsteen is so popular. I get most...
So the draft begins in a few days. What are your predictions? When will QB's like Mett, Murray, Manziel & McCarron go? Will Jadaveon Clowney go...
The NFL average is 3 years for a RB, I think.
Bomani Jones' explanation of it all is intriguing. Long....but intriguing....
All of this is correct, but it is my opinion that he's a gone pecan after this season.....unless something crazy happens (i.e. he runs for 1,200...
That knucklehead has also made Jimbo Fisher alot of $$$$
I think that it is a political issue because many hot button economic issues at the macro level are blamed on certain socioeconomic (and...
My takeaway from Nate Silver's graph's above is that both white dems and white repubs are both pretty racist toward blacks & saying one faction is...
Didn't know where to put this, so I'll put it here. http://fivethirtyeight.com/features/are-white-republicans-more-racist-than-white-democrats/...
"It happen so quick, Kevin. He grabbed my lil cousin and said "we skrong den" and sprint toward the front." [IMG]
A lifetime ban isn't so bad when you're 81.
A Glimpse in the Life of Jameis Winston: From Deadliest Snatch to Deadliest Catch
Security footage of Jameis running away with crab legs......... [IMG]
He may not score so high on the Wonderlic, I'm afraid.
LMAO at Robert Griffin the Turd. That's fuckin awesome.
Per Clay Travis: Jameis Winston arrested for stealing crab legs from Publix. Per Tallahassee police, "Crab legs consented to theft."
Jameis Winston arrested for shoplifting crab legs at Publix...
I guess I meant the Tea Party leadership and I also meant to add that they are in agreeance with it publicly (although I'm sure they aren't ok...