Conservatives are much more generous than Liberals.
You are completely oblivious to the concept of cutting government expenses. You don't even acknowledge cuts as a means of reducing the deficit....
As I stated already inflation has become a concern this year for the first time under Bush. I'm more inclined to believe government stats over a...
We had moderate growth in 03 and 04. (2-3%) Without the continued rate cuts what kind of growth would you have expected? Inflation has been in...
Because Congress would not have passed another across the board tax cut. When you say the rich save them you are really saying they invest it in...
Then you would have created less economic stimulus than Bush's tax cuts. Bush tax cuts for the middle class were substantial. The dollar value...
Where did I say the economy was anemic under Clinton? I said the economy was anemic during the first quarter after Clinton left office and as...
By the time Bush took office the economy was declining. Before any of Bush's policies took place the economy was anemic. Do you blame Bush for...
People with capital gains have put their money at risk to make those gains. The higher you raise the capital gains rate the less likely they will...
The Republicans have already been benched as they are no longer in control of Congress. This along with the likely hood of them losing more seats...
While Obama, potentially the next President of the US, is showing he can handle the ordeal while vacationing in Maui.
For someone that claims to be a moderate I find it peculiar that you give Clinton credit for welfare reform without mentioning the greater role...
Here's more of the post. Doesn't appear that he's referring to the strategic reserves. I'm sure he will correct me if I'm wrong. Post # 24 in...
Flip-flop? We must use domestic oil while we can and preserve it at the same time. Is this another example of that obscure proper balance you are...
Do you think taxing the rich more is going to resolve this issue?
Because Obama's foreign policy will be similar. Read paragraph four.
Agreed but shouldn't you choose the candidate that best exemplifies this?
Iraq became the battleground against the war on terror and those responsible for 9/11. The top 25% income earners paid 86% of all income taxes....
Nice spin. It's not complicated. It's comparing income share to tax share. The top 1% of income earners pay 40% of taxes but their income share...
The top 1% income earners paid 40% of all income taxes. The most in 40 years! How much more progressive do you want the tax system to be?...