If I'm crying Chicken Little then so is the bipartisan CBO since I'm only pointing out their projections. Projections that you have conveniently...
We can certainly debate the merits of Obama's spending proposals and make educated estimates how these policies will affect the deficits. The...
Yes, these CBO projections are only projections but should they not be taken seriously and should not future fiscal policies take them into...
The non-partisan Congressional Budget Office projects Obama will spend way more than Bush. Do you think the CBO has over estimated spending? What...
Since 1776! How about Obama's policies will likely double that in as little as 10 years and these deficit estimates keep rising! Is this your...
So we agree? The gap between the rich and the middle class will always increase. I asked luvdimtigers under what circumstance would the gap not...
I understand what progressive taxing is. My point is, even with the progressive tax rates you're proposing, the gap between the middle class and...
Even if the government taxed dividends and capital gains as ordinary income the gap would still increase. Using my theoretical example the rich...
If a rich person has 10 million invested and gets a measly 2% annual return that equates to a $200,000 return in which that alone widens the gap....
Wrong. http://www.nytimes.com/2008/12/21/opinion/21kristof.html?_r=1&em
How about fiscal responsibility for starters? It can be argued that we needed the "stimulus" spending to thwart a severe recession or depression....
You're always proclaiming your belief in "proper balance" between government spending and taxation. Is this news release the least bit disturbing...
Obama budget could bring $9.3 trillion in deficits http://news.yahoo.com/s/ap/20090320/ap_on_go_pr_wh/obama_budget
Fixed that for you.
Even if you are anyone was naive enough to believe the $700 billion in spending cuts would materialize there's still an additional $300 billion...
Many of those "spending cuts" are vague non specific cuts. For example, "Implemented Unspecified Cuts to Slow Spending $50 billion." History...
It took 210 years for the US government budget to reach $1 trillion. Obama is proposing $1 trillion in new government spending in just 4 years....
So Obama is addressing the deficit by increasing spending and tax cuts.:lol: