When the government is not fiscally responsible and runs up massive deficits as far as the eye can see consumers wonder what the hell is going on...
Since the economy shed 263,000 jobs in September, and the unemployment rate edged up to 9.8 percent I think the stimulus has been a complete...
The calculated cost per job created from the "stimulus" before this report was $71,500. :dis: I wonder what the updated cost will be.
Read this article and tell me why you support a public option. Health insurance companies are not making immoral profits as you and other liberals...
If he can't predict the future then his administration should not have made those predictions. Now it looks like the administration was deceitful...
It was the Obama administration that told us without the "stimulus" bill the unemployment rate would hit about 8.5 percent in 2009 and then...
I think it's misguided to give Clinton all the credit for welfare reform. He had vetoed two previous reform bills passed by the Republican...
Which is more of a crisis in your opinion? The national debt or health care and what do you see this administration doing to fix these major...
Economic cost of the wars is projected to be "$144 billion in fiscal year 2009, $130 billion in 2010, and — in what the administration concedes...
The massive CBO deficit projections are based on the economy stabilizing. The expense of the wars is but a fraction of the projected annual...
It wouldn't take forever to implement a deficit reduction plan that would begin to address the deficits immediately. The economy will never...
Why don't we see the same sense of urgency when it comes to the national debt? In my opinion the national debt is more of a crisis than health...
If only a small percentage has been spent then why is there discussion within the administration of another stimulus bill? Wall Street hits...
You don't accept what notion? That the health care plan will add to the massive debt? Or that Obama's projected massive deficits will not...
Doing nothing about the massive deficits is not a viable option either and Obama's health care plan will undoubtedly add to those already massive...
Regardless if they are partisan or not is besides the point. Forget about the article and just focus on what the CBO said. The point that you...
Here's an article from the nonpartisan American Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research that notes the CBO has stated none of the reforms...
Of course not. But even the Obama administration has projected massive deficits. (as noted in the chart I posted for Houtiger) Deficits much...
No I would not expect the fiscal policies to be the same. Red implied that since surpluses were posted at the end of the Clinton administration...
The CBO should have brushed aside all the economic data and projected no future deficits just because Obama's a Democrat.:insane: What...