Simply not true. I think the majority of this country is moderate with a right leaning tendency. That is true. However, as I've already stated...
Fine you're a registered Independent. However, from your many post we pretty much know where you stand on all the major issues. From that we can...
Yes I am. As a small business owner if I sell an investment with a large gain and get to keep more of that gain I'm more likely to use the extra...
It is spread over the entire private sector. Small business drives the US economy. If a small business owner makes a gain in the market and gets...
All else equal, the lower the capital gains rate the more incentive there is for investors to buy stock. The more investors buy stock the higher...
Bush's programs are having an affect on today's deficits but so are every program passed by all past presidents. Why stop with Bush? Shouldn't we...
Karl Rove: Obama Versus Bush on Spending -
Not at all. The sooner the medical industry changes over to digitized records the better. However, after reading the results of this major study I...
According to the Harvard study that gathered data from 4000 hospitals in the US the saving are not clear cut. There's not just the expensive...
You just stated it. If they had the same philosophies then they wouldn't oppose each other. Now if your argument is that one is not very good and...
Let me help you out then. The ones that favor this bill are the Democrats and the ones against it are the Republicans. I mean come on. We're...
Does digitizing medical records really save money? Electronic Health Records Face Critics |
It's foolish to advocate a new massive spending program when the government is already running trillion dollar deficits that are on the brink of...
The "stimulus" is not working.:mad: It's time for a dose of supply side economics. That's the only thing that will bring this economy back to...
As a self-described independent you may be one of the last to abandon ship.:grin: New poll: Brown up 9 - David Catanese -
When will democrats learn that government spending it not the ideal means to create jobs? Obama wants a second stimulus because he thinks it's...
Economy loses 85K jobs as employers remain wary - Yahoo! News
I completely agree with 1-4. However, as the Gallup poll indicates the majority of folks are concerned with the national debt and more than half...
This is just unbelievable. Counting pay raises as jobs saved.:huh: This is one of the most unethical administrations I've ever seen. STIMULUS...
I completely disagree. Polls indicate that Americans are very concerned about the national debt. I have no doubt that the current massive national...