You conveniently failed to mention how the economy began to slow rapidly toward the end of Clinton's last term and after only 2 months in office,...
Exactly right. Revenue increased substantially 2003 through 2007. [ATTACH]
Yes it was very big as well as the Recession of 1945. They were much bigger than the 2008 Recession that you claimed to be the biggest since the...
The data is from the past 10 recoveries. How is that cherry picking? Regardless the early 80's Recession was in some ways more severe than the...
Not true. Two other recessions that have occurred since the Great Depression have had much higher GDP declines than the 2008 Recession including...
There's plenty of blame to go around. Reagan got handed a bag of shit as well but he fixed it and didn't make excuses.
As noted already historically, the deeper the recession, the stronger the recovery. The recession that Reagan inherited was in some ways more...
"Employment: By this point, the average job growth in the past 10 recoveries was 6.9%. Under Obama, jobs have grown by just 1.9%, according to...
Not at all. I pointed out that you were unwilling or unable to answer my question. Is this not true? History shows recessions come and go...
Yes I know. You didn't have an answer. You're unable or unwilling to discuss why 8 out of 10 independents disapprove of Obama's handling of the...
I want to discuss the most important issues and the most urgent and those are the economy, job creation, and the budget deficit. The most recent...
So says the American people. Once again, the economy, job creation, and the budget deficit are obviously the most important issues. Americans...
Yes I know. They are not good either. It's not the only issue but by far the most important issue on voters minds. Gallup's latest poll...
Obama is too. Only 23% of Independents approve of his handling of the economy and just 19% approve of his handling of the budget deficit....
Russia launches giant telescope in deep space return - Yahoo! News
GDP grew at an annual rate of just 1.7% in the six quarters before the 2003 tax cuts. In the six quarters following the tax cuts, the growth rate...
The GDP would not have increased as much without the tax cuts. Regardless, once again government revenue had the "largest four-year increase in...
Hardly starving. You're half right. We certainly need the spending cuts. After the tax cuts were implemented revenue increased more than enough to...
Obama's positive press sets record - Washington Times