1982. February. Congressional Black Caucus releases “Black Leadership Family Plan for the Unity, Survival and Progress of Black People.” The...
Reagan Economic Record Economic Growth. The average annual growth rate of real gross domestic product (GDP) from 1981 to 1989 was 3.2 percent per...
Source: http://www.factcheck.org/2014/10/obamas-numbers-october-2014-update/
"Median household income declined 4.6 percent during Obama’s first five years, and nearly 5.5 million more Americans were living in poverty last...
A negative GDP growth is quite the fizzle. If a patient's test results for nearly 8 years indicate a picture of good health but then shows he has...
I stated that Clinton's economic performance was stellar but the economic boom that he presided over ended toward the end of his second term and...
I made no mention about a recession nor did I imply that the 1990's were not booming. You said Bush inherited a booming economy. That's simply not...
Not to discredit Clinton since all economic booms eventually come to an end but Bush in no way inherited a booming economy. Quite the contrary....
Not just any democrats supported it. A vast majority did (175 for and only 6 against!) and without them the bill wouldn't have passed. Period....
You give the impression that "No Child" was all Bush's when it was overwhelmingly a bipartisan effort. In fact, in the House, more Dems voted in...
It's long been assumed that insuring the uninsured would save an enormous amount of money because they would not have to keep using the emergency...
In a randomized study, Oregon recently found when the uninsured were put on Medicaid, they increased ER usage by 40%. [IMG]...
Where are you getting this info from? This Reuters news article that just came out yesterday completely contradicts what you are saying....
Wait a second. You said "I don't actually think the budget deficit is the moderates biggest issue by a long shot." The Gallup graph is evidence...
Nonsense. http://www.gallup.com/poll/154727/Obama-Romney-Economic-Strengths-Americans.aspx [IMG]
One of the biggest issues for moderates and most Americans is the budget deficit for which Ryan is the perfect choice to fix. As a self proclaimed...
That's just a silly argument and right out of the Democrats talking points handbook. We've had good and poor Republican presidents just as we've...
The bottom line with you is that Obama gets a free pass no matter how poor his performance. No matter how anemic job growth is and no matter how...