So you're saying that it's not good for the middle class to move up and become rich? Are you a socialist?
Do you hold this same view for partial birth abortions?
So you're voting for McCain. Excellent.:hihi:
This is nothing more than assumption on your part. You can't say for certain that the war in Iraq had any negative affect on capturing/killing...
You forgot to mention the bombing of the pharmaceutical company and the "enormous" missed opportunity the Clinton administration had to...
I'm not defending Bush. You made the comment that the US was not crazy because of Bush's low approval rating. Shouldn't you use the same logic...
Obviously you mean the few that are more in your favor. Here's the best and most neutral question: "Do you approve or disapprove of the job...
The American public gives the Democratically controlled congress a dismal 9% approval rating. You're right the vast majority of the United States...
You can criticize those individuals and even the Republican party but you would be incorrect to blame the conservative philosophy for the current...
We will never know because the Democrats voted the bills down. I think polls indicate the tide is turning in favor of drilling....
I pretty much agree with you here except that the Democrats have been blocking bills that would allow drilling in Alaska. If we started drilling...
Our time? Is there more than one of you? Maybe you misunderstood me? I read all your post directed at me but not all your post in general....
Honest questions. Do you really believe Democrats are going to cut domestic spending? Do you think Obama is going to cut programs? Those...
I don't have time to read all your post so the answer is no. I assume you already stated how the Democrats are focusing on cutting consumption?...
So which one are you for? Non-military government increased spending is not part of the conservative philosophy. If a Republican is for...
So you think the Democrats are better able to handle the crisis for this reason alone? Why do you think the Democrats are better at cutting our...
Or meaning we can cut spending to offset those tax cuts. Why is it that tax cuts are always blamed for the cause of deficits? Why don't we put...
Agreed. You can't place the blame on Pelosi because the Democrats took over 2 years ago. However, it's unfair to solely place the blame on Bush...
A tax cut is not a solution to every problem but a tax cut along with restraints on government spending is a solution for many problems....
Yes, we need a broad approach. A strong emphasis on alternate energy along with more drilling at home in areas that are currently forbidden....