"Can anybody tell me why, in 2009, we still have more than 50,000 troops in Germany and 30,000 in Japan? At some point these people are going to...
Surely you're not talking about this Barbara Bush... [IMG]
Just got back from my first game in the new Box. I think my favorite part of the game was when Mitchell hit a foul into the stadium lights and...
Dubya didn't just snap his fingers, click his heels, and send the military into Iraq all by himself. Congress and the UN also got on board. WMDs...
Regardless of how esteemed the voters are in any presidential ranking poll, I take their decisions with a grain of salt. I don't see how anyone...
If you think things are going south now, just wait until Geither has the power to seize failing financial institutions. From the Washington Post:...
Robots Take Center Stage in U.S. War in Afghanistan The U.S. military is calling out the "BigDogs" in addition to its big guns as it deploys more...
That would be eminent domain. Sorry, the inner grammar nazi comes out sometimes. I do think a lot more people than you realize are alarmed the...
From Breitbart.com:
Yes, because I personally made it a rule here that we can't talk about Bush anymore. And then I broke that rule. :rolleye33:
I'm not saying no one's reporting on it, I'm just envisioning the reaction of the press and the punditry had Dubya made the same mistake. How...
Obama was on Leno last night, and when he could get a word in over the audience shrieking like teenage girls seeing the Beatles for the first...
Wired.com is reporting that last month a U.S. fighter jet shot down an unmanned Iranian drone flying over Iraq. The article mentions how the...
Imagine the reaction if Bush had done that during his first few weeks in office.
I've always thought these responses are kinda silly. How do you effectively present a rebuttal immediately after a speech by a sitting president...
Lately Jindal has been repeating the same point that it "makes no sense for us to take temporary federal dollars and create permanent state...
The Feds found him in Virginia a couple hours ago. http://www.reuters.com/article/companyNewsAndPR/idUSN1953348620090219
Maybe Obama could appoint him to his Cabinet. Just kidding. Kinda.
Ok, stop and think about this for a second. Do you really think any political cartoonist would draw a cartoon depicting Obama as a monkey and...
The last time I watched Les' show, he was in the Australian outback. At the end of the show he saw a large wild sheep and talked about how he...