All of them.
Racist! RACIST!
Gregg Doyel told me that he once saw Les Miles literally pull the ears off a newborn puppy. Literally. That's a very angry article. I can't...
I remember being in the Georgia Dome in 2003 for the SEC championship, and when it was announced that Oklahoma lost to Kansas State (thereby...
I think 99% of our radical Islamic enemies around the world will notice it.
Some recurring random thoughts I've had recently: - Some stores keep Gillette razors behind the counter. Maybe if they wouldn't price gouge and...
I wonder what the Penguin -- I mean Helen Thomas -- thinks about her retirement opening a spot on the front row for Fox.
I like the books where the pictures stand up and you can open doors and windows and stuff.
I'm still not over the fact that 60 United States Senators voted to put a tax cheat in charge of the Treasury. That included 10 Republicans from...
You're right on one thing, I'm 25 and I don't watch much TV, nor do many of my friends. I get whatever I want from DVR,, and Netflix....
Fox currently has the top 11 most watched shows in cable news, one of which is a repeat....
It's a good thing if it's charged when it's legit -- not when someone's run out of convincing arguments and they want to shut down their opponent...
Agreed. You do one big thing and you're defined forever. Like how to me, Elijah Wood can do 100 more movies, but he will always be gay little...
The racist charge loses credibility when it seems like it's brought up for everything under the sun.
I remember hearing something about a possible LSU-USC matchup a few years ago, but I have no recollection of where I heard. Maybe I dreamed it,...
The Dub just got out of office 2 years ago. No one can reflect on such recent history with pure, unbiased eyes.
She'd have to drop out of the administration pretty soon if she's gonna run. The political ambitions of Obama and the Clintons may make for a...
Police Training Teams are done by the Army too, all over Afghanistan and Iraq (not sure if it's still currently being done in Iraq, though). The...