I'm thinking I need to cancel my plans to eat at your cafe.........just sayin :D
I vaguely remember them. But I haven't heard a peep out of them in years. :D
This. The Conn shooter/murderer story is not that he was caught stealing beer, then murdered 8 people. No, much more importantly, a terrified...
Wow. SI Stewart Mandel drops a Nutt. Letting Jeremiah Masoli join Ole Miss shows Houston Nutt is dirty - Stewart Mandel - SI.com
Chad Lavalais
Hillary Clinton: It's stupid that "these" people exist? Sorry that you have to live with these horrible people. A little judgemental of you, but...
BP: No oil leaking into Gulf from busted well - Yahoo! News
I tried to post it there, but................ Okie made an error.........nah nah nahnah nahhhhhhhhhhh Was that snarky? :grin:
And so it begins. La. is hurting because of the spill, so Obama pours it on with the drilling moratorium. Overturned or not, it's obvious the...
There was outrage. Then Federal laws were created prohibiting the behavior. The OP was pointing to the fact that valid VRA charges were dropped in...
This is hilarious. [media] [IMG]
Not again! Financial overhaul, Chris Dodd: "No one will know until this is actually in place how it works" Health Care, Nancy Pelosi: “But we...
I'm in with you 100%. The guy had every part of the game. Tremendous athlete.