Um did you mistype Kawhi Leonard when you said Timmy?
until tonight maybe?
It's more than just "incoherent post" you've went on. And I make no secret I don't like Lebron. But acting like oh Lebron just gained 15 lbs is...
Actually if you watch enough NBA tv etc he's talked about his off season workouts etc ... but I'm pretty much done with this conversation since...
Definitely what it seems like. They have no answer for Lebron. Your point was that someone in defense of a person who LOOKS like they took...
Kobe looks pretty much the same from day 1 as he does not, he's not bulked up much at all, come on now. The NBA has covered up plenty of shit ......
Because Cam Newton, Johnny Manziel etc do bad against those "pro style" SEC defenses right? Not saying they think they will find one of those,...
There's no possibility for burden of proof. The NBA in no way would ever reveal it (just like the MLB didn't reveal it's sluggers until it got...
Heard the same kind of defenses for people like Bonds back in the day. If you look at what people like Dwayne Johnson have to do to bulk up and...
I've long thought Lebron roided up. You look at other basketball players and none of them changed the way Lebron did. You look at baseball...
Not about hating at all. You just look at him and tell me it's not roids. Most players either bulk up, or they tone, they don't do both to a...
One of the primary adverse effects of steroids? You got it cramping .... [IMG] and now:[IMG] Yes I know players get more toned and bigger once...
Had severe cramps in game before, was not on the sideline smiling as my team lost, was drinking a ton of water, even ran to the vending machine to...
Well you definitely have the insider information around here, and that all makes perfect sense. Thank you, that actually provides a decent bit of...
is the confirmed now bhelm? I heard the rumor but I never saw a confirmation, and I really wanted to. I started out 2011 very iffy, I was...
Where is all the Cam hate coming from? Until he shows me Les controls him, or until he shows me he's playing favorites I'm going with the...
love it ... you want to join Kobe, MJ, Duncan etc in the pantheon of truly greats? You don't sit out because of a little heat. What a pansy bitch
Likely hurt his arm to do so
Wow if Bregman is hurt ....