Based on the video we saw of Fournette, and the hype, I'd say by the 4th game he's getting the lion's (or is it Tiger's share for us?) share of... I'm sure Howard put a ton of time in with McHale and Hakeem...
a dry spell while scoring 25+ a game ... it's not his numbers that are the problem, it's his dominance that is. He's not taking over games the...
No kidding right ... that season still makes me sad. Should have went down as the greatest season in college football history.
well thanks to the massive vaginas of Amir Johnson and Kevin Martin I lost in the semi-finals, don't get to repeat. Looks like the Pacers were...
Damn it Serge, gimme more games like that! Semi-finals of my league and been wracked with injuries (looking at you Amir Johnson and Kevin Martin...
You know Phil never taught defense either right? Nobody was going to make last year or this year any better, not even the Zen Master (You're...
I will say they are teaching the new kids better these days. They have things in place through the union to try and get the athletes to be...
and help me Ibacka-wan Kenobi, you're my only hope (semi finals of my fantasy league and I need him to have like 3 amazing block party games over...
Clippers aren't getting my actual love in LA. It's still Laker land always will be. Even your die hard Clippers fans out there will acknowledge...
This is the same front office that made the trade for CP3 and would have had Dwight a year before. Just because Stern took a massive dump all...
well enjoy this down year for the Lakers, we don't stay down long, and with a little luck (owed to us due to Stern bending us over on the CP3...
hack a Jordan, hack a Griffin, hack a Dwight. Clips and Rockets have the same problem.
if Paul George remembers how to play basketball, the Pacers edge out the Heat. In the west it's either the Spurs or the Thunder depending on how...
They thought their offensive failure was due to the coach ... nope, you just don't have offensive players.
UNC has pissed me off right now. We used to be better than that (Being a UNC basketball fan it makes me sick to see the university lowered itself...
Perkins for Gasol imo
fuck that I want the Cardinals to take Mett. I saw a mock draft with them taking AJ and wanted to vomit
Speaking of the Grizz, they are coming into their own recently aren't they? If they ever find an offense, good god look out, they will be a...
He has what Orlando had years ago in the East, but with a star guard in Harden instead of Nelson. Dwight + 3 point shooters. And what did that...