It was reported on TOS some time ago. Unfortunately the link was to an Advocate article. Since I'm not a subscriber I couldn't transfer it....
Unfortunately, you're in for a long wait. It ain't going to happen as long as Nick is there.
He won't be alone.
The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of,...
Trust me. You aren't alone.
That's one of the C's Scott Long addressed in his report today. If you haven't read it, you need to.
Unfortunately, for a lot of today's players it's all about ME, ME, ME.
Scott Long's column today is a must read. Not only does he offer excellent insight into the Gilbert situation his other topics are on point.
Another mind reading expert.
Sorry. I didn't realize you were so sensitive.
It started on Nov. 3rd.
And this is why you aren't a fortune teller.
I think the odds of that happening are somewhere between slim & none. Slim rode off into the sunset & none is saddling up.
Glad to see we agree. [ATTACH]
I voted for Trump, but I'm convinced come Jan 21st he'll be playing golf in Florida.
So what did Obama do during his 8 years in office?
Who's decision was it to stay there?
How far away we from the actual signing period?
More comments from ESPN on Gilbert's status....