DJ Welter......17 tackles.....3 tackles for loss Beckwith.......16 tackles......6 tackles for loss Beckwith also has way more solos than welter....
DJ Welter......17 tackles.....3 tackles for loss Beckwith.......16 tackles......6 tackles for loss Beckwith also has way more solos than...
He makes tackles 5-7 yards down field....when he gets off of blockers. He and Beckwith have almost identical stats when it comes to takles, but...
By no means am I saying throw Harris to the wolves. I do agree he needs to be brought along, but honestly we can not even compare Harris to Lee...
You have to game plan for kenny hill, when you play aTM you have to play alot of tight man coverage, bump recievers off the line, aTM throws alot...
You Guys can say what you want, but i can tell you this moo state's front seven are as good as there is in the sec....east or west, there offense...
I really do not think he is the best option we have, Like i have stated many times over, I know DJ and his family, pretty well, he is not an sec...
The Middle of the field got exposed, our interior lineman and our MLB or not very good to say the least, we ARE better when 52 is in the middle...
I coached this kid for 5 years when he was young, i used to pick him up from his home and bring him back and forth to practice, he's a good kid,...
Alvarez wasn't directly invloved in a conversation with a ref, as a high school official I would have dropped a flag on his behind for 15!
adressing a referee about a call, only a head coach is allowed to do that.
A&M will not be in the race by the end of the year. I will hold out judgement on them till the play a defense.
Right now I think UCLA & T A&M are not top ten teams, UCLA has struggled mightaly against nobody, A&M beats a seriously overated SC team, but...
Oh I agree he will be fine, I was just dissapointed in his performance, I expect him to be the next high draft pick at D-end, just was let down a...
Rasco played very well, Hunter did not, he gave up the corner on the speed sweep multiple times. Everything else I agree with.
I actually really liked it, found my TV staying on it for the majority of Saturday. I wouldn't get too excited about his tweets, seems to be playing both...
dude is a stud
I'm going to say that we go 10-2.......but with GOOD QB play it could be even better than that and be in the national picture once again. Our...
Missouri was also a terrible matchup for Auburn in many peoples eyes.