What do you suggest as an appropriate penalty for Mods who engage in bullying or personal attacks?
My position was that the Democrats got more popular & electoral votes than the Republicans. A couple of very simple facts which you are unable to...
There are exceptions to every rule. :D
I am paying attention. I stated my position. If you don't like it, fine. I'm not going to lose any sleep.
I'm making an effort to discuss rather than argue.
I retired from the USAF in 1986. I don't recall PCs being in use at that time. I arrived at HQ Space Command in 1982. I do recall having large...
Thanks. Let me make sure I understand your comments. Let's say I use AVG as a browser, DuckDuckGo as a search engine & Gmail as an email...
I'm 73 years old & know enough about computers to be dangerous. I rely on my Granddaughter for IT support. When you say Google, are you referring...
There isn't a thread in FSA over 500 pages. Your attitude & posting history are prime reasons this place is "booming."
See your post at the top of the page. I asked a simple question & my post was deleted. Thus my latest post.
I guess the new "rules" mean you aren't allowed to ask a mod a question. I'm not surprised.
My wife & I are both retired & with the COVID pandemic we don't travel much. I've got oil royalties as one of my sources of income so if gasoline...
Don't give up the daytime job. [ATTACH]
I don't remember paying anything to post here in the past. Of course I often having trouble remembering what I did yesterday.
That kind of attitude is why the GOP got their asses whipped in the last election. I hope you enjoy living under the Dems control of the Federal...
I agree. We don't need another political party. We just need the GOP leadership to get their heads out of their asses and realize that they took...
Pardon a question from a senior member, but when did that stop?
My vision is fine. You just don't like what I see. I'll survive.