Hey look, a penalty against the fags
Time to rally
Had to go there huh
Fuck he went as low as possible
Got them outside of the scripted plays and they look different
Where is Whit Weeks?
I foresee lots of fights tonight
The gayturd band is trying to get their asses kicked
Going to the liquor cabinet. Slim pickings right now, bout two fingers of Buffalo Trace, bout the same of Michters black label and then its all...
Didn't catch the number but one of those jort wearing homos came flying into the pile leading with the helmet. Zebras better start paying attention
The gayturds are dirty as can be
We are puke on D, its almost unwatchable
Absolutely shit play calling
Let's see if he can walk on it. Could be a spiral fracture as well with the way he planted.
Well We didn't
That'll be an ACL Shiite
Two big plays by 5 and 8 then a run
And just like that
Now...if only we had anything that resembled a defense
This is what happens when yall get to slackin Have at it