Do you seriously think he doesn't? Watch just about ANY gump game and you are bound to see some obscure shit that makes zero sense go their way....
I see you @Jmg
That's why I'm here
Apparently not very good ones
Why? We are QB heavy right now and young except for Nuss
You make that much money you'd best figure out something that works. Hell if nothing else huddle those bastards up schoolyard style and let the...
Not only does he buy players, he has an entire zoo filled with zebras
That was scheme and lies at the feet of House
Saw a link on ESPN that had the Sanders kid as higher draft stock than Daniels. That right there is why I hate all of the "Prime" bullshit and...
Dawgs should roll em up fairly easy.
Guess not, I quit watching because we are God awful!
Watching this game against Syracuse, who is the big slow white kid we have?
I was coming to post this but you beat me to it. Hmm Wonder if we can get him to recruit for us again?
Get em while they're hot I guess
At least we aren't auburn, I'm sick to my stomach and I have no rooting interest
I'd like to see how many points Iowa could score against us. That would be the true measure of how awful this defense is.
Damnit! There wasn't an LSU defender on the screen! Wide ass open!
At this point I'm ready to fire everyone
This is a shit show and the ring leader isn't doing himself any favors. Needs to go somewhere else
House sucks! Send his ass on down the road