Said no one ever, well I guess you. You got to love yourself in this world I say. You are such an obvious Alabama fan though.
Got me, I think I was commenting about you. I am literally holding like 5 conversations now including group text.
Literally the first thing I did was defend you my man. And at this point I don't believe you. I would expect a more neutral tone from someone...
You are a bit of a troll my man. I don't think where you graduated from, even if LSU, makes you any less of one or more of one. What you post...
At every point you come off as a standard internet troll, and one very close in opinions as one we have seen before. Its boring and we have seen...
I think the position is still the BOS pulling all the strings but now everyone at LSU is a buffoon including the BOS... Its hard to pin down, his...
I am sure you are not, but you play an anonymous one online.
Yeah, eventually I get there. But I find if I go heavy on the ban button it makes things very confusing. I only have 1 person on the ban train...
Like even your compliments are insults.
I don't think there was many big names out there, please let us know who you think would of been a better hire?
I wouldn't say that at all, passing game coordinator under Coach E and to run our scheme not theirs. I am sure that probably eliminates a good...
If you are truly a fan of LSU, you have some too. Drink it unclenick, don't be the taint we all think you are. Choo choo, all aboard the, shit...
I think any logical person would say its a coin flip at this point. I don't think there is such as thing as a sure fire hire anywhere ever.
I would say we got him, but he can't be gotten that clever bastard. /s
I get it now, so you see this hire as O's sense you see it as less than. But the Brady hire was by the BOS... keep your shit straight man. We...
I agree, but drink the kool-aid, drink it!!! We can go full taint later.
Not there yet
It's a bit extreme, but this happened in 07 and it happens to all the championship teams to a degree. I would say this is for sure an outlier....
The negativity draws you out like a turd to a fly.
Here we go