Johnny Dishon hasn't played in a game this season and I was wondering if anyone knew why? :LSU231:
Anywhere to listen to the game online?
Re: Nick Jacobs Commits!!! Was it Jacobs or Simon?? Or did they commit together? Eitherway great to have them both!!
Re: Nick Jacobs Commits!!! Sweet! Kind of unexpected cause a couple of days ago he said that he wanted to wait and think some things over or...
Re: 2009 1/2 RB Bryce Brown The kid is a wealth of information from the Athletic Office
Re: 2009 1/2 RB Bryce Brown Miami has rescinded their offer to him - directly from the mouth of a guy in the UM athletic department
Re: TX HS Jr Squats 800 Lbs Not that impressive, I'm sure half the memebers here can squat 800 lbs ;)
Its okay cause Nick Jacobs seems like he is :wink:
Re: 2009 1/2 RB Bryce Brown The interview with his mentor on Rivals with Buddy Songy and Mike Scarborough , was really good and I've really...
Re: 2009 1/2 RB Bryce Brown I don't get it
Article on Rivals If Miami doesn't get the final visit, LSU or USC will.... ..."I don't really know much about LSU other than what my...
Times Article I can't believe he is taking a similar job at Mizzou! I think this is a huge loss!:bncry:
Is that you Kiffin???:hihi:
Which would be a good argument for Richard Murphy to move out there!!
What a ridiculously unnecessary show, lets open up 10 different bags and boxes before picking a hat! We all knew were you were going it didnt add...
He announces at 5pm eastern or central time?
ESPN is so stupid! They say TR is going to Bama then say Rueben hasn't decided yet then two seconds later said "This just in..." rueben Randle is...
Re: Benton signs with Auburn per Rivals Radio The kid couldn't qualify for 3 yrs, maybe he couldn't figure out which Tigers' letter was which and...
Well LSU does have a name n the list: Sentimore. We aren't listed but its pretty much assumed at this point
This might be a stupid question but whats to stop a booster from creating a foundation and giving scolarships to players like Barrett Bailey and...