No one ever accused Philly of having class.
Now we're clicking
Oh my goodness. What a strategic drop by Phili. That could have been a TD. Maybe we're going to get the breaks and a road win. Deep breath.
Ok, bout time. Nice drive. Good runs.
Well, 3 man defensive rush is not doing it.
Oh man. Brees is messing up. Must be the road, cold weather, etc.
Grahams knee is down before the fumble.
We many need to have more of a running attack tonight than usual.
We're going to have to alternate the designated injured defensive person. :)
Brees is not accurate in this cold weather
Basketball on the rise again at LSU. Good win for the women.
Ok, where did this 5 for 5 come from?
Oh? Good idea. When are you going to start? :)
My disappointment is not from the game. It's that the LSU cap so rarely gets chosen.
I'll wait and see. I seem to recall always being disappointed after this high school game.
Too conservative
Aggies pull it out.
4th quarter now 41-31 Duke. Offensive bonanza, or, no defense.
Duke romping on the Aggie defense. 28-10 early in the 2nd.
Philly beat Dallas so we go to Philadelphia. It was close. Today I was rooting for Atlanta and then Dallas this evening. Both lost. I guess it...