Of course you know the answer, $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. Did you miss Washington. At least they are a quality team, even if they are a little down right...
I have looked, but cannot find a reliable, updated site. THX
THIS! The BCS is praying LSU wins.
sugarlsu is happy! "Oh, I've got a golden ticket..."
Yes, but this could be to our advantage. None of our OOC opponents will be ranked, and only one is from a BCS conference. It is good that Fl and...
If they go undefeated we will!!
They changed the east opponents. Who were the 2 rotating teams we were going to play? Only one rotating east opponent next year, (SCAR home)....
Does anyone know if the game will be shown in the New Orleans Arena or the Assembly Center in case I do not get a ticket?
Any chance of Randall or Rivers looking at another position, or are they pure QB's like Mett and Gunner?
SportsNation Polls - SportsNation - ESPN Out of almost 300K votes LSU has 63 percent. Interesting that the money is going on Bama. People...
I too had a dream about the game. Our D was flying all over the place, making crazy plays. A lot like the Cotton Bowl. We rolled. GEAUX...
I went to the last two, and am trying to go to this one. I have a plane ticket and a hotel, but alas, no ticket. I want to buy one from someone...
Without a doubt this was inspired by Barkley. How dare you... you, you, you trojan fan in disguise.
This is a statement game for us. Winning it says we are THE team of the BCS era! I have only dreamed of going 14-0. This is the first year that I...
What did they do on D? Chain Mike to their goal? :)
Congrats Tigers. Huge ooc win which can really help come tourney time.
Thx for the update.
I am with you. I saw one the other night in a NFL game on the kick off. Of course the risk is the fumble, but that risk is there when you run the...
For you yung ens, a looong time agoo, back befor fancy cell fones, dvd's and personal compooters, dere used to be this other team in Louisiana...
How about your 7 combined wins against LSU and Auburn since 2000! Now I know you gumps are revisionists, but try getting your historians to fix...