wow, you would have thought justin wouldnt serve the winners of the spring game a la josh booty or something
josh booty COULD be booed because he was a professional athlete AND he didn't serve the winners of the spring game dinner as is the custom for the...
i heard somewhere else he said it to an offensive lineman. so what is it. A. said it to o lineman B. said it to williams C. said it to...
good post, but you could just come out and say "original tickets will not be sold to the public", your only chance is through a third party.
also not go to the track and field regionals? i guess they are not true lsu fans, but simply lsu football fans
the truth hurts. the truth is that florida state does have more thugs than your average D-1 football team.
bumped so i can have evidence that i am not the worst message board poster in the history of the world. i am just second to worst behind this guy
the georgia man was not punched when he emerged from the port a potty. this post has lies in it.
oh, and just because we say the stadium is death valley doesnt make it so. just like auburn fans saying how bad we treat visitors doesnt make...
when i went to the 1999 lsu-auburn game, and auburn fan kept saying maybe we can distract the tigers by throwing purses on the field.(this was...
bump because bill clinton is back in the news and this post reminded me of him
i don't know about some things, but i do know phillip fulmer will not be fired because of any video tape, unless it is a video showing a 77-0...
everyone knows that UT boosters give out cash to football players and others to help the program. just because there is a video tape doesnt mean...
football is king, but he is talking baseball
this year bad things will happen to home fans who beat me out of sugar bowl tickets
i am not mad at arkansas fans, because they didn't beat me down when it came to getting tickets at the sugar bowl. i am mad at LSU fans and...
did you see the guys girlfriend lightly rubbing the jerk's leg
remember when dinardo could have sent baby bowden a telgram saying cecil was running off right tackle and we would have picked up three yards...
any true LSU fan living in austin would be at the NCAA track and field championship. so i guess you aren't a true LSU fan.
gorillia ball, you are living in the past with your screenname. why would you want to know about the future. your screenname suggests you...