i am fully supporting ronnie prude. ronnie, the sure interception you dropped against jason campbell and auburn that cost us the game is...
your vote didn't count. you could have voted for BUSH 100,000 times and still wouldn't have changed california's electorial vote. so voting...
i yelled out "victory formation" all during the last drive
YES! we should have played troy on a thursday night. the atmosphere was NOT there on Saturday night. So you cannot make atmosphere one of...
uh, there was a book done after our 2001 season with a 10-3 record, but that was winning an outright championship
while walking out of jordan hare stadium this year, i saw an auburn student puffing on a cigar. DID YOU KNOW ALABAMA SMOKES A CIGAR IN LOCKER...
ronnie prude is playing as hard as he can, and that is all anyone can ask of him. the extra point thing was because of effort so you can't...
are you going to be a contributor? i mean if you were poor that is one thing, but you have shown evidence that you aren't
I have two goals. 1. continue to support the tigers for the rest of the home games this year as they hopefully go undefeated at home. 2....
if tubberville doens't win the SECCG this year then auburn may have a meltdown. how many more years does tubberville have at auburn is he...
the road trip song that i played while driving to Auburn was Scorpians "Rock you like a Hurricane". the road trip song to Georgia isn't as...
the time an alabama player was lying on the ground in our backfield and the ref doesn't blow the whistle for an injury time out. i have been...
if the ball is dry it would be the correct choice to start randall. if the ball is wet it would be the correct choice to start russell. If...
hello, mcfly, anybody there. when they were suppossed to fix it a decade ago, they went on the cheap. THEY KNEW HOW TO FIX IT A DECADE AGO,...
they SUPPOSEDLY fixed the field in early 1990's. however 6 inches of sand was put in instead of 12 inches. drainage wasnt taken out of LSU...
josh booty was a professional athlete and could be booed at the UAB game
your au..i mean uncle did that back in 1998. you do know that tulane went undefeated in 1998 don't you.
craig nall was winning but still got benched, so you post isnt accurate
RANDALL IS BETTER AT GAME MANAGEMENT AT THIS TIME. It is so obvious that randall is the THIRD best quarterback on our team after the snap of...