ESPN has been leading the charge for the rematch, constantly dismissing any other scenario. Journalists should not be a part of the bcs polls.
Any reason why we shouldn't be scared as hell? Hopefully this awakens the folks who actually believe the patriot act is used to fight terrorism.
The guy actually committed to Indiana for a while so I wouldn't rule anything out.
He's been burned more then a few times, but I chalk that up to his aggressive nature. Definitely wouldn't label him a liability anywhere on the field.
Arkansas has a very explosive return game.
Their O-line/D-line play was abysmal during their game with Bama. I would expect around the same type of game you saw then.
Cut welfare because the job creators are behind on their monthly bonus.
Herbie's face gets me everytime. They actually made him apologize for this. I think I might start watching college gameday more often now.
You must not realize how desperate a guy can get. We might be witnessing it with Syracuse right now.
O'Bryant can drill 3's?
classic case of dementia and nasty lisssp
I posted the video for the fun of it but I kind of agree. In this case he was asking for it, but until he proves to be a threat there's no reason...
Article says he owns a business, but it could be that darn liberal media. Good to know how easy it is for a cop to legally beat on people.
Did a little research. Down to: Tampa San Fran Braves(apparently we see them a good bit down here) Boston(saw them beat the yankees and enjoyed...
Occupy Oakland: footage shows police beating 'peaceful' Iraq war veteran | World news | Liberal media spin? I'd love to know what...
I'm just a bill
you can watch it for free on
I've seen the Red Sox beat New York in the world series a while back, that's about all I've seen. Basically, looking for a few tips on how I...
the homeless didn't start the movement, they just saw opportunity for food and comfort I guess. I agree that protesting over the bridge, etc is...
I was just going off his comment. I wasn't trying to come off as anti-religion, I'm genuinely curious as to why a lot of people do that. You can't...