How terribly whiney-assed. If you want to play big boy football, ladies, you're first going to have to learn how to act like big boys....
There is a lot of revealing body language between the two photos. That shit doesn't lie.
saban looks fake in that picture. I don't mean it looks like he's faking a smile; he literally doesn't look real. It looks like a cardboard cutout...
Dupre doesn't look particularly thrilled. I like how he's basically still in his PJs. saban looks to be in sheer pain from trying to fake a smile....
He's using a lot of paragraph breaks, but still too many...words.
Is anyone actually reading all of those words??
If this is true, then it ought to be pretty easy to get kids to quit committing to Ole Miss. Other coaches simply need to inform them that 'ole...
Wow, Town is clearly running from Kiffin. He's going to the one place where Lane is guaranteed to never be hired again. This is awesome.
No idea what you're talking about. My quote was from Forrest Gump.
If true, this is tragically ironic. bama is just as much (if not more) of a whitey death camp as LSU. "Not the racoons, you idiot."
I'm very quickly being reminded of why I haven't frequented FSA in some time.
It's a shame because he's one of few republicans as of late that seems somewhat reasonable and that doesn't have his head completely up his ass....
Yes, the hypocrisy of the religious right knows no bounds.
He's apparently been "laser-timed" at 4.39 in the 40, which is ridiculous. He's terribly underrated for the simple fact that he's white. How else...
He's definitely got the scandalous resume' that we prefer here. The absurd policies are just a bonus.
It's the fact that he supposedly told the LSU staff that he was committed to them right up until the day before the UA game that has left such a...
I can only assume that it is, considering that's how you pronounce his name. says "Home"...not a lot of ways to interpret that...
I hope Les reminds Chi of just who, exactly, Lane fucking Kiffin is. Should be a deal-breaker for anyone with a brain.
Seems about right, considering the analysis that @lsu-i-like put together on here not long ago. It said that LSU has been the 4th most successful...