Sounds like this guy speaks from experience. :cool:
Wasn't it said recently that the Stros have one of the best (if not the best) farm system right now? I'm glad they moved to the AL West so I can...
Yep. Plus, with the weather warming up, I've been finding reasons to be outside. I spent over 3hrs on Monday (a holiday for my company) ridding my...
Eh, on the bright side, I sure as hell get a lot more shit done. I barely use the internet on the weekends now (except for Spotify, Amazon, etc.),...
Well played, sir!!
Good question. As far as I know, he's never assassinated anyone.
Pics or it didn't happen.
Or maybe a travel agency...
I don't remember specifics about his time here in that regard, but the quote from the article above says that he helped Kentucky pull-in a top 25...
If I remember correctly, our special teams were pretty good under his guidance.
Let's not lose focus of the real issue here, guys: nick saban is a huge vagina. He can't adapt to the rules, so he lobbies to change them.
This is the biggest problem with this proposal. What happens to a team that is driving with under a minute to play and is ready to snap the ball...
My sister & I were, as well. Honestly, I think we were probably too young to be home alone, and there's no way I'd even consider leaving my son at...
I voted for him, too. He was very misleading. Now, his dad works about 20' down the hall from me! (those two events are completely unrelated, btw)
Couldn't agree more. I thought he would be the shot in the arm that the state needed. Instead, he's spent his entire term pandering to the...
Yep. When both parents have careers to focus on, it's a lot more taxing to go home and be a family in the evening. You also have a lot less time...
I think another big part of it is that our lives are so damn much more complicated now than they used to be. For better or worse, the average...
Funny you should say that because this thread has definitely taken on a rant-like feel.
What you did there...I sees it. :cool:
Well, even stubborn ol' peckerhead Jindal recently said that he'd support medical marijuana. Of course, he went on to say that it would have to be...