TD. [img]
Jefferson for 8 yds. Keep pushing.
4Q. This is it.
Man, good damn job D.
Stick with it Tigers.
Anybody tweeted a video of that yet? I wanna see it.
Dude c'mon. Don't call the guy that. He's got a smoking hot girlfriend, just like Burrow.
I swear nothing makes me more superstitious than football.
To hell widdat man. Score regardless of what they do. :)
One hell of a half.
He looks like he has panties on his head but it's still great. [IMG]
He is to sports what the Clintons are to politics.
Posting this again, because it seems to be helping. [MEDIA]
How much time left?
We get the ball to start 3Q right?
Why? What's happening? I stopped watching, deliberately.
Was thinking the same.
Was a team effort buddeh. Tell the wife I said well done.