Most, yes. That's one of the reasons I'm looking at this Vietnamese company. They also support Windows, iOS, etc. as well as the majority of...
I see a few differences, I think. DVR is one, Windows another. Do they stream the latest movies?
Do you use them? How many devices? DVR capabilities? I can tell you this..IF this works out it won't be that cheap. But again remember, the...
I looked over Eternal a few weeks ago and had doubts. That's based out of Russia. The biggest thing that drew me away is the compatibility (IE...
Look at it this way. It's about like a product where the trademark has expired and others can offer the same. It's not through your cable but...
No more cable bill, sort of. This is a lot like the Ma Bell breakup from 20 years ago; a lot of options are becoming available. What's...
Through whom? And if you don't mind, how much?
How much is that now, 65 a month?
Have you used any IPTV services?
It's really interesting to me how streaming is "working it's way out." Federal law is even more intriguing but we'll leave that alone. I'm...
When you were talking about bringing your boys to SC and asked me about golfing specials was one instance where I know I told you that. And,...
I'm curious here. What devices?
18 years I've been here posting in the early morning hours AFTER I got off. In the conversations we've had with Brett and Kyle I know I've said...
I get you were excited about the win...but damn Shane, you called my phone A LOT that night. A LOT. You know I work nights...just came across as...
Shane. You don't call people at work when you win a ball game. I'm still pissed off about that. But it's okay...been busy. Civility. Damn,...
I came over here to shoot a note to Kyle. I miss you too.
It's just you talking shit. [ATTACH]
I'm getting off of work early morning on a Sunday...he's asking fill in... I know you guys too well. I've not read a post here since kick...but...
You thinking Quinn is going to leave ATL in the middle of a night with a small good bye note? :D