I will answer you just this once, since you don't know what you are talking about. The Morrill Tariff, which America lived under for over half a...
The morning after pill prevents a zygote from being implanted in the uterus. By definition a pregnancy is an embryo that is implanted in the uterus.
Wrong. There was nowhere near any political majority in the North to interfere with slavery in the South in 1860 and Lincoln said repeatedly that...
Just to make it more clear, the war was NOT caused by tariffs (the South had "won" every tariff vote before the war), customs, incompatible speech...
The War of the Rebellion was fought over slavery, pure and simple. The South caused it by seceding. The immediate issue that caused it, other than...
No, you had better read your history books. The Democratic Party LED the fight for Civil Rights in the sixties. When the fight was mainly...
You elect a Republican Governor for eight years--you deserve what you get.
Yeah, three cheers for slavery. The South started the War of the Rebellion when they seceded.
Here is a link to an article on Bush's National Guard service. He is clearly hiding something....
Die Hard, you are on my ignore list. Have a good life.
A Republican President I simply cannot work up much hate for is Richard Nixon. Mentally, he was completely unsuited to hold the office, but he...
If it were not for Vietnam, LBJ would unquestionably be the greatest President of the latter half of the 20th Century. Medicare, Medicaid, the...
The guy who said Buchanan may be right, but Louisiana's own Zachary Taylor may be a real dark horse for this slot. Taylor had guts, but was...
MOM, Clinton was impeached in an attempted political coup, pure and simple.
It is amazing that since I despise that worthless piece of refuse in the White House and consider Bush's Iraqi War not only a sin against the...
Normally I just ignore you as not worth responding to, but since I have explained my position elsewhere in detail on this, I will just say try...
The Democrats do not largely despise the military and the people criticizing Bush's cowardice not are not people who spat on soldiers thirty years...
Just how stupid are you? World War II was a "Democratic" War, a political war the FDR "dragged" this country into? This is what I am talking about...
I am ashamed that Sourdoughman is an American. :) :) :)