Here is another quote for those "misunderstood" Southerners who just wanted to be "left alone." This one was in support of a mercenary American...
Gimp, apparently you are an unreconstructed secesh, who probably like to see slavery, or at least segregation back. That is the only reason to...
There is nothing more to say. I am right, you are wrong.
You know, to show how ignorant some of these people are about this issue, I have repeatedly referred to The Civil War, or The War Between the...
Look, I am not unsympathetic to the South's plight. Although virtually all southern whites were violently opposed to ending slavery, many of them...
Here is another goodie, also in response to the debate in the South over whether blacks should be offered freedom to fight for the South. This is...
"What did we go to war for if not to protect our property." --US Senator Robert Hunter of Virginia, when the issue of whether southern black... Read some more quotes from Southerners here and what they thought about slavery. They loved it....
Hey braindead, I am not interested in reading right wing racist propaganda that has tried to sanitize the South's motives for seceding. This...
Bengal B, you have been on my ignore list for some time. As for this subject, you don't know crap about it, so why waste board space with your...
Your Civics 101 lesson for the night: to become law a tariff has to pass BOTH houses of Congress. Just because it passed the House of...
BS, you flat don't know what you are talking about. Read Allan Nevins and James McPherson and you will know that slavery caused the Civil War...
So we have another attempt to jusitify the South's position on the Civil War. It never fails. The South seceded so they would be free to...
Whether southern whites owned slaves or not was irrelevent to how they felt about slavery as an institution. Virtually ALL southern whites OPPOSED...
The Morril tariff was passed after the Southerners seceded and they left the Congress. End of story.
You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. I have explained to you the historical facts. Just because you WANT something to be true,...
Thanks for reminding me why you are on my ignore list. This will go back and forth, I am sure, but it is not good news for Bush....
One other thing on the "tariff issue." The new states joining the Union would have started out as primarily rural states mainly populated by...
Look, if you want to know why the Civil War occurred read a good book or books on it. I might recommend James M. McPherson's "Battle Cry of...