The National Review? ROFLOMAO Gimp, I didn't know you had a sense of humor. Keep it up. :)
Why stop at Bush? Look around at the entire Republican Party. Can any objective observer actually say that there is ANY Republican in the Senate...
Hey, nutcase, I said "if you support this war..."
Vincent, I say that not only is Bush yellow, but so are you. If you support his war in Iraq so much, go enlist. Otherwise, you have nothing to say.
We find out today that it is perfectly appropriate for Congress to investigate a land deal in Arkansas for years, but the investigation into the...
Could Bush have prevented 911? We will never know because he made absolutely no attempt to try. He completely ignored all the warnings he got...
You don't get it. The fact that John Kerry opposed the Vietnam War, although he served in it, and appears in a photo with Jane Fonda is relevent...
I would not rule out the possibility that Saudi Arabia's royal family "had" an agreement with Bin Laden to not foment unrest in their kingdom in...
I doubt if Nader will get the same votes as in 2000. One thing that has been clearly pointed out to everyone is that there is a great deal of...
I think there will be a LOT of people cancelling out their vote come November. LOL
Everything I have stated in my post on Bush's incompetency on terrorism has appeared in mainstream newspapers. It was widely reported in the...
Gimp, what I said was that the South won every vote on the protective tariff in the decade (actually more than that) before the Civil War. Stop...
Mike, your explanation of how the USA got into WWII is borderline Roswell, New Mexico.
George W. Bush, on taking office, immediately halted all Predator unmanned spy plane flights over Afghanistan which were looking for Bin Laden....
McCain said in his own words that his mind is made up and that Bush did no wrong. He himself has destroyed whatever credibility he had on the...
The last six words of my quote of the Supremacy Clause of the Constitution should read.... ..."ANY State to the Contrary Notwithstanding."
"This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made,...
I just proved to you that the Morril Tariff was passed after the South seceded. You are wrong. Since you ignore this fact I tought I would point...
So McCain is just another biased right winger. So we can assume his opinion means nothing, since he has already made up his mind before looking at...
Like I have said, when someone starts saying that slavery had nothing to do with the Civil War, I know exactly where they are coming from: they...