Ohio has lost over 250,000 jobs since Bush was elected. He won Ohio by 165,000 votes in 2000. No Republican President has won the Presidency and...
A very interesting article from laweekly. Scarey. What this former Army colonel says is that the neocons want to use the American military to...
Before the Iraqi invasion by Bush, it has been repeated over and over in the news media that there were many parts of northern Iraq that was under...
Mike the Tiger, did you know that over 300,000 Frenchmen were killed or wounded in the Battle of France in 1940? Just curious.
There is nothing that reveals more what comic book minds these right wingers have here than their blanket condemnation of Kerry and others who...
Hey vote for Bush--an American President who promises millions of jobs created in the next four years--just remember that those jobs will be...
Not only has Bush been in office for over three years now, but the Republicans dominate every branch of government--the Senate, the House of...
What America should have done was to invade Afghanistan, concentrate on killing all of the Al Qaida leadership, wipe out as much of its...
Jetstorm, you are a dangerous and ignorant fanatic. We did NOT invade Iraq out of pure reasons. The "cover story" that we are on a crusade to...
Your question was not too broad. But one category you might add is "fear them." Neocons have been advocating using America's huge military...
Jetstorm, you have nothing and you are just fishing because Bush has been revealed as a hypocrtical lying coward. The next time you have nothing...
Of course what Kerry did in his twenties is highly relevent. It does not matter that he was a decorated Vietnam combat veteran. What matters is...
I knew you were a Duke Voter, Calco. The odds were with me. LOL
Why did Bush suport the Vietnam War as long as he could get his Daddy to pull stings to get him into a unit that would keep him safe and sound...
What a crock. The rich before Bush were hardly oppressed tax-wise. Under our old tax laws, we enjoyed the longest economic expansion in our...
I might add also that Reagan's fiscal policy was not only not novel or "conservative" but was in fact based on John Maynard Keynes theories, who...
I have several times referred to right wing mythology or right wing dogma, which is nothing more than a series of right wing lies that the average...
The tax revenues under Reagan rose because the economy went into an inevitable upswing, similar to what it is doing right now. If nothing is done...
It seems to me that the right wingers here keep bragging about how much money they are making. Well, that must mean that Bill Clinton's Presidency...
When we have a President like Bush who will lie to start a war, we cannot trust him on anything.