So let me get this straight. Japan had invaded Manchuria and then China, was planning on invasions of the Phillippines, Southeast Asia, and other...
Watch the news dittohead. The Republican Party voted overwhelmingly to continue to allow the "gun show" loophole that would circumvent background...
Also, I have noticed that there is a tendency among certain people to try and blame the USA for, well, apparently getting America into WWII, as if...
In the years before WWII the US Navy had done exercises to see how vulnerable Pearl Harbor was to a surprise attack from Japanese aircraft...
In the book that Mike is referring to, that is exactly what the author is alleging, that FDR knew Pearl Harbor was going to be attacked and did...
The Pacific commanders were warned that war would break out at any moment. They were expected to respond appropriately. Kimmel and Short did NOT...
By the way, Admiral Kimmel was a brave, energetic, and admirable officer. But he did not respond like he should have and our Navy suffered because...
Several days before the Pearl Harbor attack Admiral Kimmel and General Short, the Navy and Army commanders at Pearl Harbor, were told that war...
Gimp, I just told you idiots to read Professor Prange's masterpiece on the Pearl Harbor attack called "At Dawn We Slept." It is considered the...
Did you even notice that these right wing idiots here are always about six months behind on any discussion? Watch the news morons.
If you want the TRUTH about Pearl Harbor read "At Dawn We Slept" one of the finest books about any aspect of World War II ever written. Mike,...
Gimp, if you want me to call you a liar and a hypocrite, I won't disappoint you. You are a liar and a hypocrite. Hope I made your day.
Every time you post something saying you are opposed to AK-47s falling into the hands of people like the Columbine killers or Timothy McVeigh, you...
Gimp, so many things make you a horrible person, that that is the least of the things. LOL
We now know that the Republican Party is overwhelmingly in favor of putting tens of thousands more AK-47s and other assault weapons on the streets...
Mike, Never mind.
x, if you don't see the difference between SUPPORTING the Vietnam War, which is what Bush did, and, at the same time, using your family's...
In ten years, if the Republicans have their way, I would suspect we will see child labor return in a big way, and workplace safety be drastically...
You see it for yourself folks. These are people who will vote to send jobs overseas for the next four years. Since the Republican Party is funded...
Jetstorm, you are simply a liar and a right wing propagandist. No one said any of those three things you accuse people of, but you have never...