Well I see that great Republican economic plan has roared to life last month and created 21,000 jobs. Wow..... Maybe Bush should start using...
martin, of all the wackos that post here, libertarians are the wackiest. You people are not even faintly rooted in reality. Hope the view from the...
dallas, that sounds like an admission by you that Bush actually invaded Iraq to get good markets for American companies. Well, you are making...
JSracing and Bengal B? I am POSITIVE both of you are "certified." No doubt about it. I am sure both of you have the papers to prove it. LOL
Mike, speaking for myself, I have heard it all before. You have presented nothing that could change the mind of anyone who has previously looked...
This will be the dirtiest, most vicious Presidential campaign ever, but it will be because Bush is a vicious politician, who will do anything to...
Just how are "Democrats" going to prevent the economy from coming back before the election? The Republican Party controls the Presidency, the...
Why won't Bush tell us how much cocaine he shoved up his nose? Shouldn't he have to tell that?
captain, I assumed you were already "certified."
Just in case anyone is wondering, which I doubt, I believe that the only options were using the atom bombs or invading Japan, which would have...
I re-read your original post. I notice there is nothing to indicate that it was true, just some "memo" and speculation about what Edward R. Murrow...
Mike, you have presented nothing new, nothing that hasn't been presented by some previous crackpot, and you have even admitted that FDR warned all...
captain, if you are worried, just wait a few months and I am sure that you will be able to purchase an AK-47 at a gun show. So don't worry.
On a final note, I read not too long ago that to this day, US Naval vessels do NOT operate on a 5 and 2 schedule where they are in port every...
Just to reiterate the point, the Republican Party wants thousands more AK-47s on the street and they want any wacko, hate-monger, and potential...
Just out of curiousity Mike, I assume you think dropping the atomic bombs was wrong and unnecessary?
And furthermore folks, we apparently objected to Japan murdering Chinese and Koreans, along with Phillipinos and anyone else who objected to them...
Mike, I have said this over and over. As for it being a "sneak attack" well, since it was done BEFORE the Japanese had told America it had...
Nothing "new" has come out. Just the same old crackpot theories about Pearl Harbor that make no sense to anyone who can think straight.
As for "abandoning" Eastern Europe to Stalin after WWII, it would have taken another World War, World War III, to be exact, to free Eastern Europe...