Divorced couples flushing fertilized embryos is "hypothetical?" When you return to the real world let us know. If a two cell zygote is a...
I see our resident Fascist, Jetstorm, has been active. What the right wing wants is to stifle free speech, to make most people feel that those who...
There were also two Texas politicos, now deceased, who said that Bush got preferential treatment to move ahead of more qualified candidates to get...
Jetstorm, why stop at this guy? Why not quote the Alabama National Guard guy who suddenly remembers that he and George Bush served exactly six...
So my post gets deleted, huh? What a bunch of thin-skinned idiots run this thing. Read this slowly so you will get it this time: The Texas Air...
martin must value his life somewhat. He is proud of the fact that he does not want to serve in a war he has no problem with other people fighting...
Martin, I am sure that you cannot make the leap.
martin, let's not get into some whiny discussion on the fact that you are not the most courageous person in the world, and why that is not such a...
This is another example of what I have been talking about in that to have a discussion with one of these right wingers, you have to parallel a...
No, there is no comparison. Bush supported going to war in Vietnam. He thought it was a just and noble cause. .....It was a just and noble cause...
When Bush played "dress-up" as a Navy combat pilot and landed on an aircraft carrier with a huge sign (ordered by his staff, BTW) that said...
People against abortion are typical right wingers in one sense: they make simple one line statements like "life begins at conception" to explain a...
That is simply a lie. The Democratic Party led the fight on all major Civil Rights legislation, Medicare, Medicaid, Low Cost Housing programs,...
Re: Re: Gun Nut throws in with Al Qaida I think you need to wake up period. You completely missed the point. We are not talking about...