Watching Gameday being broadcasted from Oregan....I notice the guy with the LSU flag is there....does anyone know anything about this guy or is it...
good choice by the game day officials....tons of more electricity in LSU and UF than the Ouverrated and Tesas matchup
hell of a deal...that puts a smile to my face knowing they are coming to Death Valley on a sat night!!!!! GEAUX TIGERS!
not a big fan of this uni or the helmet....i think the greenies uni are suppose to be just as ugly
perriloux....118 williams......96 mitchell.....21 zenon....14 david....105 354
well said!
I hope Will Arnold is ready to go for the Florida game also....he is a needed guy in the lineup
LSU 48 SC 7
2:30 game time
flynn.....0 williams...88 zenon...4 beckwith...27 jackson....0 a whopping 119
nice video lol
fUsc Wins a tight one but looks real sloppy and give us enough to jump em in one of the polls ...Vegas in only giving 10 pts which doesnt mean...
Thanks for the comments...i didnt get to hear any of the show and dont know anything about the guy....I know that welker did come in and take the...
Nice picture...i laughed pretty hard the first time i seen this one.....some needs to put coach superior in the pic also
Thats kinda suprising the mitchells are competing for that 3rd spot.....Tolliver looked pretty dang salty on his first catch against MOOu and the...
If RP gets the start this weekend and the score is getting outta we see Welker come in? Or do we keep RP out there and risk 2 QBs...
I like seeing RP get a start this saturday but its gonna kill my TFL since i went with flynn in it haha
flynn....316 doucet.. 243 zenon....2 beckwith...8 steltz...99 t jackson 4 favorite 4 676
good one!