Lackluster game of the last 2 days
And this is about as useless as Terry's much much too early bowl predictions for 2019.
This game was no where close to what the score reads. I was more worried if Ed would be able to get them up for this game. He had them ready and...
Dumbest Saints post ever...
It would have been nice to see at least one competitive playoff game.
Vandy had ND beat. They shouldn't have gotten in based on that alone.
Too big a stage for Vandy
Embarrassing The U on National Tv like they are use to...
I like the Badgers. Tough gritty team. Most importantly they were pivotal in dumping Les....
Looks like just a thought and a wonder
Yeah I lost interest when they started assembling their own teams. What kind of shit is that? I love the game of basketball but fuck the NBA....
Yeah what an uptight individual he is... Did you tell him Merry Christmas?
Funny shiit
Waiting on Terryp to post the Much Much too early 2019 Bowl projections
It was a joke dood...
Let's not get carried away now...
Nick will make sure he smashes them in the future for this comment.