Lebron said they lost to the Pels last night because guys are staying up in their hotel rooms playing video games all night. :D
If it's NFL rules and no dumb shit like last time I'll watch.
Did they bring back the 1 free hotdog and a beer with your ticket stub?
I only come here loaded...
Well, they ate them all and no reports of stomach aches.
He could have bought them all steak and lobster then he would have caught shit from the gov workers. Really a no win situation
Dude hates to take hits.
Of course it hasn't happened yet. Nick will decide that.
In 6 years. Ed and Dabo will both be gone by then
Absolutely not. These extensions and rewards should be reserved for winning something. Division, Conference and up...
Nick is worn out. Almost time to bring Dabo home.
I don't know but the coaches are blow buddies now. It would be nice if one of them spewed some venom on the other. Any kind of storyline would...
Fucked up our NC gatherings. Now nobody gives a fuck.
There's Clemson and Alabama then everybody else.
Coming up next Izzl:)tel will tell us how we fucked up not getting Herman followed by Thank god we didn't get Herman after UGA scores..