He in the ol school penalty box or he gone for good?
I hear ya. Just don't punish ramah for calling me a Mutt and me for calling him a sloppy fat fuck.
I haven't seen anything lately that would warrant warnings.... Maybe I missed them.
I hate going there, but we going there...
Good. No need to rack up 50pts on those guys. Most of them are LSU fans.
What is this baw shit?
So you are sitting at say 18 and you get to play 5 maybe 6 teams in the top 10. Guess where you are sitting when you knock off the first 2? The...
Rankings don't mean fuck right now... With our schedule we could be 100th. Take care of our own business and it will be where it's supposed to be.
He misinterpreted the question. He'll probably issue a public apology to Maria today.
ooops I made a 50 million dollar mistake. Go pull on your worm guru