reason is not subjective or personal. it doesn't vary from person to person. your claim "And reason tells us there must be a higher power" is...
no, there are a couple ways to define athiesm. and almost everyone arguing against it characterizes its as a faith based belief that there is no...
no it doesnt
but any knowledge about any god is faith based and therefore religious. unless you have same lab data
I didn't rule it out. but the evidence is scant so I have no reason to believe it
well bing bang is based on measurements that show everything expanding from a single point. its just a theory bud, I have no clue. when you say...
yeah lol she is so scared and angry haha
well certainly lots of people claim they have the answers to all this god exists outside of time, he is the alpha and the Omega, before the...
ok well that's great I guess, how do I get to the part about all this meaning god exists or any conclusion about anything? I don't know that...
i understand that if we look at the relative motion of everything, it appears we are expanding from a single point. all mass of the universe was...
there was a point before time? says who? there was a state of nothingness? says who?
but I can and do ask the question not necessarily, empathy and reason etc are evolved behaviors and can spring organically from a brain without...
I dunno if we can assume time didn't exist at any point, or if that if it only means anything in terms of human measurement, that that means...
lol he is so scared. insiders turning against him
who created God? and if he can just exist without being created by anything, why cant the universe?
i wanted to look at the gallows so i googled it and it is not a real gallows and it even has a sign posted on it that says "this is art". media...
its ionteresting how everything the left claims is so crazy is hugely normal. gallows and even burning stakes are basic protest implements and...
why didnt they bring guns? you think you can overthrow the country with a few hundred folks and their bare hands? how will they capture pence...
yeah haha lol he must be angry
its not possible to know the extent to which the climate effects we see are result of human activity or not. for all we know the majority of...