yeah so funny lol haha
I repeat once again, the modern political divide is not ideological or policy based so much as it is Dems performing their moral piety with...
again is a made up assertion. why do these aliens broadcast anything? humans are pretty smart and only started using radio like 150 years ago or...
the government is badgering media to do its bidding, sending memos to them urging them to follow instructions ""It’s time for the media to ramp...
so you don't like trump?
you lied about the 2016 election being stolen
it has. I was banned from social media because of pressure put on by the government....
sounds like Putin propaganda
we have scanned a tiny percentage of the universe. effectively we have scanned none of it. there is no evidence the universe is fine tuned for...
again, this is because the idea the complexity can develop from chaos was very hard to understand before Darwin. now we understand how adaptation...
shane gave us an argument from incredulity, and rex responded with an argument from authority. more importantly, there is just no evidence for a...
yesterday i was listening to the snowden story journalist glen greenwald, he accurately described the state of the media and government and...
I don't agree that the odds are accurate, if described as unimaginable, I believe they are making up the variables. how likely is X, how likely is...
those people don't actually know the odds from where
back in the day I used to read a lot about robots and consciousness. one of the skeptics of AI was sir Roger penrose, because he had a unique...
you are just using the word "created" as synonymous with "exists" . like saying all things that exist were created. a volcano was created by hot...
sounds like Russian disinfo, why are you allied with putin
whose side are you on? are you a Russian stooge?
correct. it doesn't matter either way
I understand that, I know what the framework for it is. to what extent do you think a singularity that expands from nothing or not nothing or...