me This is me on a school trip to Washington DC over Thanksgiving...missed the Arkansas slaughter during that trip... Geaux Tigers
My favorite jerseys are the purple Then again, the football gods are not to be reckoned with
I haven't heard anything, but they should be coming out soon- we should be at least in the top 5 if not higher IMO. I'll post something if I can...
Can't get my picture to do you do it? I'm not as computer-savvy as I thought I was I guess...
hahaha, classic
Absolutely hilarious...wanted to bring this one back up to the top :D
Thanks sooner_jc! Welcome to the board, hopefully we'll all have a good time talking here until the game...are you coming to NO for the big event?
Wow, what a story Crip*TEAM KATT. Thanks for serving our country- it's soldiers like yall that should make us proud to be Americans. :lsup:...
I would, but I'm going out of town tomorrow...someone else do it and let us know what they say
I e-mailed PETA a few weeks ago about Mike the Tiger... Just a quick question- if yall are so worried about Mike the Tiger (the best kept...
haha very nice, very nice
Yeah I enjoy him, very funny.
I found this on the LSU Reveille online about Mike the Tiger- thought yall would want to see it! So I think I have solved that pesky little...
Whatever Saban is doing, keep it up!
Welcome everyone!
I didn't have any problems with their fans when I went to all the games...maybe it was just me. Congrats b L e S e U r ... make us tiger...
Yikes I noticed.....77-0 :dis:
Haha that's my favorite PETA story yet....I emailed them and told them to donate money to help our "poor wittle tiger"