I follow Shaq on twitter and he is always positive about LSU.... Always
RR can eat crap he can either support our program (Like Shaq) or shut the hell up. How does that garbage help LSU.
Well said.....
The two that stood out the most was the ignored Personal Foul and the illegal motion. I know Verne who is an alabama worshiper had to "clarify"...
I think you guys are on completley on Dope. He had to throw the kitchen sink to win this game. He tried it didnt work. LSU played the best game of...
LaSalle when where you visiting the KA house at NSU. I was a KA at NSU... Curious if we ever crossed paths
I am on of the few who doesnt find much merit in this. COULD a call POSSIBLY lean but I have to think IF there is unbiased truth to this then the...
Wow that is pretty High that means they are essentially a td favorite with the home field swing.... Bet the under..... However Vegas assumes...
That was one of the most awful things I have seen on a football field. We have seen people lose their ability to walk so that is worse. But in...
Ha ha... For those of us with wives they strictly follow this law......... Not a problem there my wife is very legal in this law... Right after...
Huh based on the 4 teams coaches above aside from UF and Urban Myth (who had he not left would have fallen behind les) Not ONE of the 4 teams...
No way. Home field is 4-6 pts in any line.... There is no way Bama is a two+ TD favorite. Bama -3.5 and the over under will be 31-34
He picked Carolina last week. He always picks against LSU. It's pretty much a given... I will save you a post two weeks from now....he will pick...
I am sure he is good but this sounds very similar to what all the Oregon fans where saying last year before the game....
I wonder if Reed and Robinson wish they could return the money and have a do over..... What an epic fail that team has become.
He is out regardless if they beat Vandy or not. They have to deal with his buyout. But Jizzsack is gone by Jan 1st.... And no we would not want...
LSU put up 400+ yards on one of the best defenses in the nation. Mett again was shaky at best but our running game returned... I am fine with a...
I dont honestly I just realize that we just are not as good this year as last. We have to many injuries a very poor WR crew an Oline on life...