Although I have lived my entire adult life under the maxim, "Take no pictures, leave no fingerprints," this is me. BP espn98654972 Game...
I'm in.... First thing I've joined since fraternity in college.
Just being a smartass. I've seen too many parents (usually fathers) who were not even willing to consider that their kid might have a disability;...
You are fortnate that you have a good caretaker. There is no question that in cases of moderate to severe ADHD, medication is extremely...
Several points. 1. ADHD does exist, but only half-way jokingly I say, is the most over diagnosed disorder in the history of mankind. 2. Partly...
Absolutely. And insulin is not necessary for a diabetic.
I like the BIG Print edition
Thanks, my bad.
No, all injuries, even non-war related, in a battle zone get the Purple Heart.
I thought it was going to be several/many months before it was known how he would recover?
I haven't checked, but from how old I rememebr being at the time it was like 1956-58....
One of my first football memories. Was it Carpenter?
Aranda didn't suddenly lose his ability to scheme and make in-game adjustments. I don't think it's any coincidence that the defense jelled and...
The problem with doing a "Rushmore," is that, at the time Rushmore was developed, there had only been about thirty presidents.' You could probably...
I would say, "Both teams are very sucessful and have excellent facilities. With either school, you have the chance of winning a national...
Y A didn't? Don't know, just seems like he would have.
.... And for the next debate the question is.... "How many angels can fit onto the head of a pin?" Enquiring minds won't to know........
WAIT!!!!! WHAT????? We landed on the moon? You don't get on the internet for a couple of days and everything goes crazy.... When did that happen?
Exa Exactly. Hermann doesn't have job stability, O does. Brady could go there for a year and Hermann is fired. Or, he could sigb=n a VERY...
Actually, I think it was the SEC office that tried to "manufacture" a rivalry. This was before A&M and Missouri joned the conference. Arkansas and...