Why can there not be a white national champions - oh, I know why: there aren't any teams with all white players...
I didn't say he was the driver, and I don't really care. I really figured you must have been speaking facetiously, because respecting someone who...
Oh, and Western Michigan needs to beat Northern Illinois in the epic battle of interstate directional schools tomorrow! Geesh, this system is so...
A Grammar Nazi could have a field day on this forum!
SabanFan, am I to infer that you are an English teacher?!
Surely, you were being facetious (I hope!)? If you ever had a loved one killed by a drunk driver, you wouldn't respect such behavior...
I'll bet that, if they were, they'd add one, pronto!
YES! What he said!
How could they not have imagined it??? One would have to have zero imagination and/or be plain dumb!!!
Living here in Texas and the kids being involved in sports and other activities, we just don't make it to many games any more. But, my 12 year...
As far as I'm concerned, teams that don't play in a conference that has a conference championship game are undeserving of a shot at the national...
And, you're still wrong. The ball hit his hands, and he missed it. That's a drop.
Without a doubt. Ramah is an attention-seeking idiot. I'm afraid his mother really failed him on two counts...
Tigers should cover the 17. I think we put up at least 34, and I don't see the hogs scoring more than 16.
Could be that Fresno was already scheduled to play San Jose State on Nov. 5? Were they going to get SJS to reschedule? Or, were they prepared to...
Turkey on Thursday, pork on Friday...
Re: Run for the Roses: (Un) Official "Expert BCS Talk/Discussion" Thread (Wk of 11/20 Does that mean that if usc and ut were both to lose, usc...
I never responded when this thread was originally tossed out there in January. But, I'll say at this point I am satisfied! I'll be satisfied...
Score a lot less.